
Bible Fed Spirit Led

Youth Ministry

Families-Allow your children to be a part of this great ministry. We ensure that each child will feel welcomed and wanted (Ages 4- 24). Youth Choir

Usher Ministry

Members are needed: Welcoming quest in seating and other amenities, without distractions and with a smile. Children Ushers are welcome to join this ministry.

Hospitality Ministry

Come join this ministry as you create a welcoming environment for guest after service. You can assist with refreshment for guest. We need you!

Hospital/Nursing Home Ministry

Visitations and pray are extended to members, who otherwise cannot attend regular service. If you have free time on dedicated Saturdays, this ministry will be for you!

Music Ministry

Singing praises to God in worship and around the world. You may join the Mass Choir, Youth Choir, Male Chorus or Praise Team. This is a place for you!

Pastor's Aide Ministry

Join the Pastor’s Aide Ministry. We minister to our Pastor and Family in loving support, recognizing special occasions along with emotional support.

Vacation Bible School Ministry

Summer Fun in Christ. A fun-filled week of religious education, arts and crafts, talent shows, fellowship. If you would like to teach, work with special projects or just attend the teacher meeting when announced in May.

Sunday School Ministry

Teaching Ministry- In need of Sunday School Teachers. Classes are offered for all age groups. Join Us!

Committee Ministry

The committee ministry is looking for volunteers to work with the designated leaders of various activities and services.

Out Reach Ministry

If you have a heart to minister to those in need and spread the gospel in our local church, community, state and country, then ministry is for YOU! Involvement includes: community job fairs, Job readiness programs, HI-Set program, expungement of criminal records and Alzheimer’s Support Group.


The Media Ministry is currently seeking members to join to assist with: Camera Operations, Service Photography, Websight Maintenance and Social Media Monitoring

Youth Ushers

Youth Bible Drill

Youth Drill Team

Youth Praise Dance

Youth Mime Dance

Misson Ministry

Missionary leaders are to help carry out the mandate of mission; leadership assignments, outreach projects, sick and shutin visitations are the many ways we use in carrying out the mission of the church; district, state and national representations help us connect to our communities.

Health Awareness Ministry

If you would like to serve in a ministry that provides comfort and support to members and guests during regular worship services; friendly, patient ready to assist. Must have certification in CPR.

Calvary Missionary Baptist Church

3939 Pines Rd.  Shreveport, La.  71119